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Jonah Hutchin

is a young adult performing cellist in Charlotte, Vermont looking to share the joy and
inspiration one can find through classical music and playing the cello.

Cello playing body shot.heic



"Teaching is something so special and important. When done well, it can inspire and support a student in reaching their highest potential."
     ~ Jonah Hutchin
Click below to learn more


Jonah is available to perform at weddings, gatherings, functions, or  other events. To hear him play, click Listen. To get in touch, click below

Illner Riedl (SIR) Cello
Bubenreuth, Germany

Made new in 2000 as a special order from Germany, Jonah's Illner Riedl is an extremely rare model VII of their Spezial-Cellobau. To Jonah, its blend of unique and intricate patterns lacing the sides and back of it combined with its strong, warm, and buoyant tone, make it the perfect balance of visual and tonal beauty.


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